Video Training

Congratulations! You have completed your EASE video training.

Please review the EASE best practices and tips and acknowledge at bottom of page.

EASE Best Practices and Tips

  1. Upon initial connection, send a test message to confirm the correct recipients received it. To avoid issues and unintentional disclosures, ensure that the TEST text and/or photo does not contain any confidential or personally identifiable information of the patient.
  2. Utilize the pre-approved phrases and/or hospital approved guide sheets for the type of updates to be sent.
  3. In surgery - try to tell a "Story" of the procedure with updates at appropriate time intervals and with approval (approximately every 30 minutes - 45 minutes) during safe opportunities.
  4. Before sending any text updates, carefully check recipient name, content, accuracy of update, spelling, and grammar.
  5. Always make sure that a message does not contain material which may be considered offensive or likely to cause distress in the recipient.
  6. Before sending pictures or videos, check recipient name and content, replay the video and listen carefully to the audio. You can retake it if necessary to verify the message is appropriate.
  7. Always coordinate the EASE process with other healthcare professionals involved in the procedure or medical care (example - anesthesia, surgery, nursing, ICU clinicians) and ensure that your use of EASE is not interfering with, or negatively affecting, the care, procedure or those healthcare professionals.
  8. Ensure that photos and videos contain appropriate content and do not show
    • any nudity or degrading content
    • other members of the healthcare team (unless permission has been granted)
    • patient vital signs, diagnosis information or laboratory results
    • information about other patients or procedures or any other content which would be likely to be deemed offensive or disturbing
  9. Keep the texts short, to the point and professional.
  10. Do not dramatize events.
  11. Always provide a short and simple text explanation to an accompanying photo or video.
  12. Avoid complex medical terminology.
  13. Be professional and use sound clinical judgement at all times. If in doubt, when safe to do so, consult with another healthcare professional in the procedure to help make a determination as to whether a message is appropriate. If a determination cannot be made, do not send the message.

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